Holistic & Therapeutic Wellness: Retreats - Workshops- Experiences
Root Yourself & Come More Alive
Grounded Awakening is a partnership between Blossom of Light and Lacie Braun Psychotherapy. We offer customized, comprehensive, and thoughtful retreat experiences that include EMDR, Reiki, Facial Reflexology, and the full attention of two deeply caring practitioners who have your highest good at the center of their thoughts.
Our purpose is to create a safe and sacred environment for you to tend to the sensitivity of your soul. We will support and nurture you as you work toward a strong, connected, and integrated self.
Our hope is to co-create resilience for your system, allowing you to go back into the world in the fullness of your beauty and strength. You are sacred and we want to reflect that back to you. Self-healing is hard work, yet there is a more enlivened experience on the other side. There is opportunity for you to feel tuned into all life, to be AWAKE.
Friends for 17 years, we have been witness to each other’s struggle, growth, healing, and ongoing transformation. We trained in the methods that healed us, and we bring our whole selves to this work. We offer you what we have seen as transformative for ourselves and our respective clients. We engage in this work from our lived experience, as well as clinical, and spiritual perspectives and expertise.
Client Testimonials
This retreat was one of the singular most healing events of my life. I will carry the beautiful experience that you gave me in my heart always. You are both such gifted healers: competent and powerful in your work. Your intention and wisdom was evident throughout all aspects of the retreat. For your loving guidance, I am eternally grateful.